AIP and Mondelez launch Masters degree in Packaging and Innovation

/Apr 27, 2015

Mondelez and the AIP co-launch UoM Masters of Food and Packaging Innovation


Last week, in the wood-panelled East Room of University House, business leaders and academic experts gathered to launch a new post-graduate degree specifically for the food and packaging industry. The new Masters of Food and Packaging Innovation program, which aims to foster creative innovation, entrepreneurial practices and drive further engagement with Asia, is a collaboration between The University of Melbourne and global food giant, Mondelez International and the Australian Institute of Packaging*

Offered over two full-time years (or four part-time), the program explores food science, entrepreneurship and innovation in product and packaging design at an advanced level. Students will learn food science fundamentals, analyse product and packaging design, project management and critical thinking skills and engage in a rigorous six-month industry internship. Besides gaining a broad understanding of the industry, graduates will also have specialised in a specific expert stream, either Packaging, Consumer Analytic or Creativity and Innovation. 

“Innovation, for us, is really one of the most important growth levers that we have,” she said. “We see [this degree] addressing a rather major skills-gap within the industry. It’s absolutely about finding a talent pipeline, and finding ways to stimulate innovation all the way through the supply chain.”

Managing director of Mondelez International Australia and New Zealand, Amanda Banfield

QDesign Enterprises's Director Michael Grima was a core member of the steering committee and the IAG (Industry Advisory Group) and tasked with creating the vision of the Packaging Design stream. This will be presented by Michael and a number of leading ANZ packaging designers, marketers and manufacturers in Semester 1 of Year 2 of the Master's programme. The 1-week intensive programme will be delivered 4-8th July 2016.

*The AIP will be coordinating the Food Packaging Materials and Processes subjects and the Food Packaging Design subjects for the Master's program. These are both industry-based units offering to teach from specialised and skilled industry experts. Mondelez approached the AIP to ensure packaging was also represented since it plays such an important role in the launch of new products within the food industry.


Course Overview Here

Media Launch | Packaging News